EFT and Matrix


Tapping your way to feeling better.

 Release the negative triggers that cause anxiety and disease patterns. Improve your health and well being.

Turn your ‘I Can’t’ Into I CAN!’

Emotional Freedom Technique/Matrix Re-imprinting


Emotional Freedom Technique/Matrix Re-imprinting is often known as ‘tapping’.  Tapping on meridian end points on the face, hands and upper body,  access and release subconscious blocks to success in life.

Karl Dawson was one of the original master EFT practitioners, taught by founder Gary Craig,  Karl went on to develop Matrix Re-imprinting, which is backed by the science of Quantum Physics.  You can find out more here.

Since training with Karl, I personally have used EFT to open up to my emotions and safely, gently, on a number of issues.  Examples include clearing co-dependency issues, lack of confidence, overcome fertility issues, and support myself through a wide range of life issues.  It is my go to tool that has allowed me to participate more fully in life.  It’s really amazing to feel the relief and letting go of clouds that had been with me for so long. I am so much more confident now!

Life is a work in progress, so having EFT at hand is invaluable.  So thank you Karl Dawson for developing and teaching this wonderful modality!

What EFT/Matrix can do for YOU

If you are challenged by repeated patterns that seem to block your enjoyment or potential in any area of life, the process used in EFT/Matrix work is inviting you to:

Turn your, ‘I can’t ‘ into, ‘I CAN!’

Trauma and repeated tension is stored in the body, often from an age when the basic needs to feel safe and loved, are not being met. Beliefs are made and behaviours run the adult life, based on a child’s perspective of how to protect itself, like an outdated computer programme.  The beliefs made to protect from future hurt become blocks and behaviour patterns that don’t serve us well.  They limit our natural potential.  EFT/Matrix Re-imprinting taps into, reframes and clears outdated beliefs made in the past.  At a deep level it clears the way for better choices to open up to a better life.

It is quite amazing following the clues and literally tapping on certain meridian end points on the face, body and hands, whilst tuning into what is felt in the body.  The wisdom of our past selves is also interesting.  This inner dialogue opens the door to understanding and healing release. Having achieved a relaxed state of mind it becomes possible to think more clearly.  Choosing experiences that allow you to explore your potential and supports your spectrum of wellbeing becomes more natural without the old programmes running. 

Self Help Tool

Over the process of several treatments you also learn a valuable self help tool too!

  • It can be used almost anywhere, and at any time to reduce the impact of present stress and helps to clear the mind to think better!  However, NEVER use when operating machinery of course.
  • It’s good to know that you can tap without being seen using this amazing, effective tool.
  • Tapping is a great way to take back control in situations that are challenging.  Examples include:
      • the stress preparing for driving lessons and tests, exams,
      • during interviews,
      • changing habits
      • medical procedures – just to name a few.
  • EFT is a wonderful tool to use at any age.

It is best to work with a therapist if you have deeper, long standing issues, particularly if trauma is involved for your own safety and for more effective help.

Here are only a few examples of the subject areas that we can work on:

  • Blocks to success and moving forward in life
  • Confidence at Work / public speaking/Interviews
  • Relationship challenges
  • Support your Weight loss journey
  • Health issues
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Negative emotions and behaviour patterns (even potentially from a past life)
  • Self confidence / Self worth / Self Efficacy
  • Self Love / Self Care
  • Clear your mind to relax before taking exams, going to a meeting or going ‘on stage’
  • Fertility / Infertility
  • Processing trauma
  • To support any other healing modality
  • Any issue you are feeling uncomfortable about.

What to Expect

You are welcome to a free preliminary discussion before booking to discuss the issue you wish help with.  We can also discuss the resolutions you are hoping for so appropriate preparation can be made prior to booking.

A session takes between 1.5 to 2 hours each time.

It can be done online or in person equally well, at mutual convenience. If online it is best to have an undisturbed space for the duration of the session.

All is carried out in complete confidentiality, with permissions for onward referrals if necessary.

We go through an intake form to outline the problem and what you wish to achieve.

With instruction you tap on the points as directed and/or I assist with the tapping and process with your permission.

It is your responsibility to inform the therapist of any challenge during the process.  This is important  so that your therapist can take appropriate steps in choosing what protocol to apply.

You choose how much or how little you wish to work on at any stage with natural breaks.  There are protocols to relieve issues arising. It is important that you take responsibility for informing the therapist of how you are feeling at all times.  The aim is to process the stressors at an acceptable level to avoid retraumatising at any stage.

You remain fully clothed throughout the treatment.

Important Preparation

It is your responsibility to inform the therapist of any medical condition or prior trauma you have had or are being treated for.  This will ensure your therapist can take appropriate steps in choosing which protocol to apply.

If you have a medical condition being monitored by your doctor, it is your responsibility to advise him/her of this treatment.  They can then take this into account when monitoring your ongoing care and understand any changes that arise.

Turn your, ‘I can’t ‘ into, ‘I CAN!’




I came to Julia yesterday still shell-shocked and numb from an extended and difficult business trip to Europe. She worked with me on an extended EFT and Matrix session that covered strings of related trauma back to my early childhood and, by the end of it I was already feeling lighter and able to feel positively again in those parts that had been numbed and disconnected.
Now, a day later, I feel much better and find I am able to think clearly again, with new ideas and angles on problems that, only yesterday, had been overwhelming.

2022: Ben, Pembrokeshire

Past Life work.

I chose an EFT Matrix session to support my healing journey which involved a past life that I have been aware of since very young. The entangled emotions around a common theme play out painfully in both this and the past life vision.  The one session with Julia opened a doorway to explore those aspects and released trapped emotions in that old life.  An aspect of myself, that had been lost to me for a long time, returned in this life shortly after the session.  The daily homework supports positive momentum to create a new future that is now visible to work with.  Thank you, Julia, for training in the Matrix to help those of us who want to bring our own challenges into the conscious light to heal.

2022 - Cheryl, Yorkshire


A Single Session 1.5 to 2 hours  (includes a short follow up call)          £60

3 Sessions (1.5- 2 hours each) Save £20  …………………………………………    £160.


Gift Vouchers Are Available

To Book Your Session


As previously indicated, this practice is complementary and provides astounding results in areas not often accessed by the medical profession.  However, you are advised to seek your doctor’s advice for the monitoring of your condition and in the management of regular medication and treatments administered appropriately, as the effects on your health and well being become apparent.