About Therapies for Health


My name is Julia Baker and I’ve been working with Therapies for Health,   as a complementary therapist, since 2005.  During that time I have learnt a lot about different aspects of energy and related modalities to address mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual well being.  The primary aim is to help you relax.   Emotional Freedom Technique, once experienced, is an invaluable stress busting self help tool on an ongoing basis.

If you wish to work on deeper issues, wisdom, insights and techniques come together to assist you in the that endeavour.  Using a combination  of modalities  to support your self care, they can help  unfold personal potential.  It really helps to relax to be able to shine our uniqueness in the world.   I invite you to explore the blocks to your potential so you can experience more of the life you wish to create.

My background

Therapies for Health developed through working with complementary therapies since 2005.   I qualified in Sports Science and Sports Massage, then Reflexology (British School of Reflexology).   I grew up with and worked with spiritual healing for a few years before qualifying at Reiki Master level in 2008.

Having been interested in energy medicine pathways and the power of the mind, the revelations of Quantum Science seemed to link them all together.  It made absolute sense in providing the connection for unseen forces at play in our lives, within us and our environment.  These offer very real and useful insights about what affects our health and well being, and how to improve them.

To delve into this further, in December 2017, I studied Emotional Freedom Technique (known as ‘Tapping’), linked with Matrix Re-imprinting.  This is the foundation for my own ongoing personal development.   The process took  me from a state of numbness to engaging in significant and profound changes in my own life.  It’s exciting to be able to offer help to people on the road of their own unfolding potential.

Another profound and interesting area of personal development has been the study of Tarot and Card Readings.  Tarot depicts the architypes we encounter in life and the day to day aspects that challenge us on the paths between extremes in life.  Here we see the conscious and unconscious interplay through every day life of philosophy, psychology and responding energy.   Insights and clarity for choosing forward momentum is a powerful healing objective.  Sometimes this process identify blocks to success which can be worked on through Emotional Freedom Technique to positive into empowerment.  Further spiritual studies are ongoing and developing with each reading.  Really quite fascinating!


What I offer

The hands on therapies access and facilitate relaxation as a foundation to healing and well being.

I combine Reflexology and Reiki to achieve a synergistic harmony of the benefits of each.  In addition, I now focus on two other services that can be integrated, if desired, to support the process of deep insights and healing.  They do, however, very much stand in their own right.  Each work with energy at play and manifest in our lives.  I work with those insights and help you work with tools to effect change if you choose to try  EFT/Matrix Re-imprinting and Card Readings, as diverse as they are!

Heart to Heart Card Readings can identify personal blocks to moving forward that EFT/Matrix work can remove.   They require an integrity of heart and purpose.  It may not be a usual item on a list of personal development activities, but it is definitely worth investigating to make up your own mind! 

My Mission

I do what I love because I love what I do!  I choose to share and apply the wisdom of integrated holistic therapies that uncover unconscious blocks to enjoying life, to then open the path your heart desires and support you in that process.  To facilitate a process that provides insights, change limiting beliefs, and then empowers you to make choices to create better life experiences is my objective.

I’m finding my inner sparkle more each day and excited to help you find and hone yours! Looking forward to working with you soon!


Julia Baker

Julia Baker

Trained with and certified by The EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Academy

About Therapies for Health Beach

EFT/Matrix and Card Readings are both available online, in person or on the telephone.   Contact me to arrange your preference.

Healing is a co-creative process and I’ll be delighted to help you if you are willing to give it a try.  

I know you won’t regret it!

Trust in the body’s desire and ability to heal itself, and take time to find out what is getting in its way.

In almost every case, stress release is an excellent place to start.

Your complementary therapist, using the holistic approach, acts like a detective, unraveling how and where your life story is impacting on your health and well being.  Together you can then decide on which therapies can offer the best routes to solutions.

Discover effective ways to take back control and follow your inate wisdom to a better experience of life.

About Therapies for Health Relax